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The SpaNomad Story continues…

In my grandmother’s neighborhood, the milkman hand-delivered ice-cold, fresh milk in thick, glass jars right to her doorstep. I cherished this personal touch. I loved the ultimate convenience. I appreciated the quality. This left a huge impression on me when it came time to create my own business.

After 10+ years of high-end spa experience in both Washington D.C. and Santa Fe I had massaged many famous clients. One evening I arrive at a beautiful home to provide outcall massage for a local spa. After the requested time had passed, I was asked if I could extend the massage for another hour just to work the head/neck area. When I had finished, the movie star looked me straight in the eye and told me, “You’d be a fool not to open your own business.”

In that moment, my whole world rearranged itself.

Two months later, in 2008, I created SpaNomad: Traveling Spa. The name came to me and everything about it felt right. It wasn’t until years later that I realized that not only was I the SpaNomad, traveling around to visit clients, but, in fact, SpaNomad represented the enormous skillset that I had acquired by training in almost a dozen different modalities from all around the world.

Being able to “touch” someone happens on so many different levels, it’s a gift that I treasure. I look forward to sharing all that SpaNomad delivers with you.

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